luni, 18 iunie 2012

Azi am construit cu fiul meu Andrei,si al doilea panou solar de 63 de w. Intre timp am alimentat un spot cu led ,,crew'',de ultima generatie ,5w,echivalent 40w,de la bateria de 70/h,si sunt multumit,cum lumineaza si cum consuma.Am acum prin legarea celor doua panouri aproximativ 7,4A/h.,126W. Pina descarc bateria cu spotul amintit,astept un invertor de 1000w,comandat intre timp, care o sa soseasca saptamina asta.Trebuia sa soseasca alta comanda ,dar aia de pe ,,'' ,nu sunt toti dornici sa-si vinda produsele...sau asteapta fraieri...Cind soseste alimentez un hidrofor,cu motor de 750w sa vedem cit tine bateria si cit consuma hidroforul,acesta pornind aleatoriu,fara un program anume.Paralel am sa alimentez inainte de invertor si 6 spoturi crew de 5 w.In viitor o sa cumpar si becuri economice la 12v/220v din curiozitate,sa vad cum se comporta in consum.Mai urmeaza sa construiesc un suport, celor doua panouri pe care o sa le pun in paralel si o sa le conectez la controlerul de uita sa precizez...Lipiturile de la primul panou inclusiv,TABul, dintre celule s-a inegrit.Sper sa nu corodeze...O sa dau doua gauri de 4mm in partea de jos a panourilor pentru a se scurge condensul.O sa studiez problema asta cu condensul,se pare ca e foarte serioasa pe viitor.

Today I built with my son Andrew, and the second 63-W solar panel. Meanwhile I fed a commercial LED,'' crew, art, 5W, 40W equivalent, the battery of 70 / h, and are satisfied, as light and as far consuma.Am by connecting the two panels about 7 , 4 A / h, 126W. By downloading spot recalled battery, wait a 1000w inverter, meanwhile, ordered that a week to arrive to arrive asta.Trebuia another command, but that the,, o .. ro'' are not all willing to and sell products ... and waiting ... When arriving suckers filling up a pump with 750W motor to see how you eat and how hidroforul battery, which began randomly, without a program I anume.Paralel inverter to power before and 6 crew of five spots w.In future economic bulbs to buy and 12v/220v of curiosity, to see how it behaves in consum.Mai is to build support, the two panels that put them in parallel and to incarcare.Aaaa controller to connect to ... I forget to mention ... the seam at the first panel including Tabula inegrit.Sper of cells to corrode not ... I will give two 4mm holes in the bottom the panels to drain condensul.O to study this problem of condensation, it seems that is very serious in the future.

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